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Fire Safety Links

Helpful links to fire safety information, advice and resources

Fire Risk Assessments

Download the Guides

Building Regulations

DCLG (Department of Communities and Local Government) is responsible for building regulations, which exist principally to ensure the health and safety of people in and around buildings

All you have to know about Building Regulations

Fire Safety Training

Have you or your staff had fire safety training on what to do if a fire broke out in the workplace? More importantly, do they know how to reduce the risk of fire?

Carbon Monoxide Information

Information and advice about carbon monoxide and carbon monoxide poisoning.

Fire Extinguisher Help and Information

Useful information about fire extinguishers, the different types, how to use them and where each type should be located

Other Links

Useful information about firedoors can be found in this guide from the Door and Hardware Federation

Repair and Maintenance of fire escapes within the M25 radius

Other sites operated by Safelincs

Kidde Safety

Kidde Fire Safety Products

Kidde smoke alarms, CO alarms, fire extinguishers and fire escape ladders.

Ei Electronics

Ei Electronics Smoke & Gas Detection

Ei electronics smoke, heat and carbon monoxide alarms

Firetext SMS Alarms

Firetext SMS smoke alarm

Firetext SMS text messaging smoke alarms

Ringtail Emergency Lighting

Ringtail Emergency Lighting

Ringail emergency lighting, frie exit signs and LED lighting

Phoenix Safes

Phoenix fire & security safes

Fireproof paper and data safes from Phoenix and Alpha security

Geofire Door Holders

Geofire Fire Door holders

Magnetic fire door holders & accessories from Geofire

Britannia P50 Extinguishers

Britannia self-maintenenace fire extinguishers

Britannia P50 self-maintenance fire extinguishers

Jewel E-series Extinguishers

Jewel E-series water mist fire extinguishers

The revolutionary Jewel E-series water mist fire extinguishers

Dorgard Retainers

Dorgard fire door retainers & accessories

Dorgard fire door retainers & accessories


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