If you are a tradesperson, installer or reseller of our products, apply today for a trade account and unlock exclusive pricing and discounts on our wide range of products. With fast delivery options and quality products guaranteed, our dedicated customer service team will support you with any queries.
Access our competitive trade pricing with exclusive offers on a wide range of fire & safety products. Receive our monthly newsletter with industry insights and seasonal discounts.
Need it now? Choose from a range of fast & reliable delivery options including next day, same day and bulk (pallet) services or opt for our cheaper economy service.
Our dedicated trade support team are available 5 days per week to support you, answer any queries and process orders.
Easily order directly with the team using WhatsApp, email, live chat or telephone.
To further support our trade customers, a credit account facility is available on request (requires financial approval).
Our 30 and 60 day payment terms allow you to buy now and pay later.
Access your trade account online to see your exclusive pricing and credit details.
You will be able to see previous orders and helpful information about your products.
All our products are certified to the relevant standards and are quality checked by our team.
Many products come with exclusive warranties from a range of reputable manufacturers.
After submitting your application, it will be reviewed by a member of our dedicated team who will get in touch to find out how we can best support you and your business.
Please enter your personal details.
Please enter the basic information about your company.
Please enter the registered address of your company.
Please provide some final details about your application.